How to Anchor Your Boat

When anchoring your boat, there are several factors that will play into how you anchor and where you anchor. For the most part, there is a simple formula for anchoring your boat. It is all about how many scopes to be let out. Scope refers to the amount of "rope" let out so that the anchor rope is more horizontal than it is vertical. Keep in mind that when it is vertical it will not hold. This is what you do when you pull up your anchor.

When you go to anchor your boat, you need to know the depth of the water. Either use a Depth sounder or drop a line in the water if it is shallow enough. Or, use a chart. Once you know the depth you can determine how much scope to let out. In normal conditions, a safe minimum anchor scope ratio is 5 to 1(warp or chain length to depth). Keep in mind that the depth of the water should be based on High Tide and from the Bow roller. If your bow roller is 5ft or 10ft from the water, it makes a big difference.

You should also have anchor chain and boating supplies based on the size and weight of your boat. Check with your manufacturer.

Also, remember the following as you begin to drop your anchor:

Make sure you look around and ensure you are not dropping it in a dangerous area, such as near a submerged gas pipeline.

Make sure you have room to swing 360 degrees as the current will ultimately change.

If you are in a windy area or area with a fast-moving current, make sure to set your anchor alarm on your GPS or post a watch.

Lastly, as you're pulling it up, make sure to slow your accent as you approach your boat (for obvious reasons).

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